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Julia Kinjerski
Library- Media Services/IT support
Middle School
Zac Krause
Middle School Principal
Middle School
Kathleen Krohn
MS/ HS Special Education Teacher
Middle School
Rebecca Krueger
Gifted and Talented coordinator
Middle School
Casey Kudick
School Counselor
Middle School
Amy Kuehl
Middle School
Trent Larson
Music Education
Middle School
Michelle Maxfield
Physical Therapist
Middle School
Danielle McArdle
Special Education
Middle School
Ken M Mercier
Science Education
Middle School
Ryan O'Brien
Physical Education
Middle School
SueAnn Omdahl
6th Grade ELA
Middle School
Luke Querio
7th Grade Social Studies
Middle School
Bill Recka
Special Education Teacher
Middle School
Amanda Repitz
School Nurse
Middle School
Connie Rodrian
Middle School
Kacy Rohr
Special Education Teacher
Middle School
Rani Stangel
Middle School
Tammy Swanson
Food Service Director
Middle School
Scott Szydel
School Liaison Officer
Middle School